Friday, May 1, 2009

mömmur - zvenni

Mothers Little Helper - Rolling Stones
Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door, she took four more
What a drag it is getting old...

Hnullungarnir taka upp hanskann fyrir húsmæðurnar.

For A Thousand Mothers - Jethro Tull
It was they who were wrong
And for them heres a song

Anderson ekki sáttur við uppeldið.

Old Mother Reagan - Violent Femmes
Shes so dumb
Shes so dangerous
How come she dont go far away
She better go far away

Ofbeldisfullar stúlkur óánægðar með móðurfaðminn.

Mama Don't Allow It - Julia Lee
mama don´t allow no trumpet playing in here
mama don´t allow no trumpet playing in here
bobby dont care what mama don´t allow,
blow his trumpet anyhow
mama don´t allow no trumpet playing in here

Eilíf barrátta mæðra og barna.

Let it Be - Bítlarnir
When I find myself in times of trouble,
mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom,
let it be.

Ósköp paullegt að syngja um mömmu sína en hún heitir víst María.

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