Friday, October 10, 2008

Kreppan - Kristmundur

Spillingadans - Plató
Þessa dagana les maður mikið á vefsíðum um hrun kapitalisma og þær hugmyndir að henda ríkisstjórninni út og mynda utanþingsstjórn. Hverjum hefði dottið þetta í hug fyrir tíu árum? Jú, uppáhaldsbandi Steingríms J. Sigfússonar, Plató.

Dead end street – The Kinks
There's a crack up in the ceiling
And the kitchen sink is leaking
Out of work and got no money
A Sunday joint of bread and honey
What are we living for? Two roomed apartment on the second floor?
No money comin' in, the rent collector's knockin' trying to get in

Frábært kreppulag eftir Raymond.

In the ghetto – Nick Cave and the Bad SeedsLitlir, svangir munnar út um allt í gettóinu. Kreppan kallar á örvæntingarfull ráð.

All tomorrow’s parties – The Velvet Underground
And what costume shall the poor girl wear
To all tomorrow's parties
A hand-me-down dress from who knows where
To all tomorrow's parties
And where will she go and what shall she do
When midnight comes around
She'll turn once more to Sunday's clown
And cry behind the door

Einhver fátæk öskubuska sem er búin að stunda partíin grimmt og grenjar yfir innihaldsleysinu. Ekkert vit í öllu þessu sukki.

Anywhere I lay my head – Tom Waits
Well I see that the world is upside-down
Seems that my pockets were filled up with gold
And now the clouds, well they’ve covered over
And the wind is blowing cold
Well I don’t need anybody, because I learned, I learned to be alone
Well I said anywhere, anywhere, anywhere I lay my head, boys
Well I gonna call my home

Það er búið að snúa heiminum á hvolf og framtíðin er óljós. Ljóta ruglið.

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