Monday, April 27, 2009

Topp 5 pabbar - Georg Atli

Púff bara tveir listar og báðir seinir... en hér kemur amk minn

5. Morrissey - The Father Who Must Be Killed

Gott lag af bestu sólóplötu morrisey, að mínu mati.

4. The Trashmen - Whoa Daddy

60's strandar rokk er mjög töff. Það er líka boðskapur þarna...

3. Tom Waits - Sins of The Father

Af plötunni Real Gone, lagið er langt og þungt en rosa gott.

2. Jonee Jonee - Af Því Pabbi Vildi Það

Gott íslenskt pönk úr Garðabænum.

1. Joe Pug - I Do My Fathers Drugs

When every revolution
Is sponsored by the state
There is no bravery in being asked
And turning down the case
If you see me with a rifle
Don't ask me what it's for
I fight my father's war

I went hunger strikes are fashion
And freedom is routine
All in all the streets in Cleveland are named for Martin Luther King
You will see me at the protest
But you'll notice that i drag
I burn my father's flag

So when the party starts on Monday
And Christmas starts in June
When no one minds I've just arrived and I'll be leaving soon
If I return with eyes half-opened
Don't ask me where I was
I do my father's drugs
I do my father's drugs

Joe Pug er beittur. Lagið kom út á E.P. plötunni 'Nation of Heat' í fyrra sem allt of fáir táku eftir, þar á meðal ég.

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