Saturday, September 27, 2008

Penge - Kristmundur

Pretty Green – The Jam
Paul Weller og félagar í Jam voru skemmtilegir fýrar.

The Moneygoround – The Kinks
Robert owes half to Grenville
Who in turn gave half to Larry
Who adored my instrumentals
And so he gave half to a foreign publisher
She took half the money that was earned in some far distant land
Gave back half to Larry and I end up with half of goodness knows what
Oh can somebody explain why things go on this way
I thought they were my friends I can’t believe it’s me,
I can’t believe
that I’m so green

Ray var orðinn leiður á að fá bara lítið brot af tekjunum sem lögin hans
skópu og hraunaði yfir jakkafatapésana í kringum hann, þá Larry Page,
Robert Wace og Grenville Collins.

Silas Stingy – The Who
He bought a safe to put the box in
And a house to put the safe in
And a watchdog on a chain to make quite sure
And his face was very funny
When he counted up his money
And he realized he hadn't any more

John Entwistle skapaði margar líflegar persónur þó hann hafi kannski ekki
samið nema brotabrot laga The Who. Silas Stingy, Cousin Kevin, Whiskey
man, Boris the Spider og Uncle Ernie eru skrýtnar fígúrur sem allar koma
úr kollinum á John.

Easy Money – Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Eitthvað hórerí í gangi þarna. Mannhóra á vergangi, held ég.

Money – Pink Floyd
Últímeit peningalagið.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eftir að þið höfðuð peningaþema hefur hagkerfi heimsins hrunið.